Saturday, July 30, 2011


Although this is brief, I've been needing to share this for a bit now. No one will read this, and that's okay. It's just me, in my room facing this computer screen. I'm okay with this.

On July 23rd, I threw away one of the last prominent anchors from my past.
If I so wished, I could easily go out and find it. It isn't too far.
But it's far enough away to be out of my grasp, but unfortunately never out of my mind.
The scars it left, mentally, emotionally, and physically will never be fully gone
But again, I'm okay with that.
It keeps me grounded.
It's something that keeps me humble.
It reminds me that I'm nothing but human, and that's something I need to never forget.

Remembering that I'm nothing but human is something I forget a lot.
I try to take on absolutely everything all at once,
And then I wonder why I'm stressed out.
Go figure, huh?

On July 23rd, One of my best friends threw something away as well.
Same story, different pen.
She let go of the beginning of it all.
I couldn't be more proud of her.
I really hope she knows that.

I'm not trying to write this in a professional manner.
I'm just saying what I need to say in the way I think it should be said.
Short, simple, and to the point.

My support system is scattered around me, both close and thousands of miles away.
I've found the one place I can feel somewhat safe, even for a little while.
No one can take that from me.

What I did was not something to boast about.
Nor is it something to keep locked away.
It's something that every person who struggles with needs to eventually do.
It's finally letting go.
I'm finally letting go.

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