Friday, September 7, 2012

I found you, first entry.

     Growing up, I was not a normal kid. I mean that in the sense that something never felt complete, but when you're that young, you don't know how to fix it or what it is. You kind of just push it to the back of your head and keep truckin' on like everything will be okay and make sense later. Hell, people tell you from a young age that things happen for a reason and it'll all make sense and work out when it's supposed to. I grew up with that mentality, and I still believe that to this day. I kind of credit that to everything that lead up to where I am now, but it's also been a curse. I'll write this as if I have an audience, but for now it's just me here typing to myself. It's honest, and it's truth. It's the story of a girl who thought she was broken, until she finally realized how broken she actually was and still is.